Here are some simple care and maintenance tips to keep your denture in top working condition!

Even the strongest denture will break if it is not fitted correctly. Your mouth will change shape over time; the most important maintenance is to get your denture reviewed as soon as it feels unstable.

Periodically return the denture to us for a full polish and clean. Build-up is inevitable, we can use special machines to return your appliance to high gloss.

If you have had teeth removed prior to insertion, you must return for a reline. Failure to do so will probably break your denture; this cannot be covered under warranty!

A good routine is essential. Get into good habits early and there is no reason why you can’t have years of good use from your new smile!

  • Brush your dentures daily.

  • Brush your mouth, remaining teeth, gums and tongue at least twice a day.

  • Try to rinse your appliance after every meal.

  • Don’t let your appliance dry out or it may warp.

  • Don’t use hot water on your denture.

  • Wear your new denture as much as possible when you first take it home.

  • Only use a soft denture brush for removing particles.

  • We only recommend Val-Clean for valplast dentures.

  • Remove adhesive at the end of the day, or it may build up.

  • Chew on both sides of your mouth to keep the pressure even.

  • Always brush over a soft towel in case you drop the denture.