Partial Dentures vs. Partial Bridges: Making the Right Choice for Your Smile


Losing a tooth, or several, can have a profound impact on your smile and overall health. It's not just about looks; gaps can alter your bite and the way you speak. But the silver lining? Modern dentistry offers some impressive tools to help you restore that confident smile.

You mainly have two standout choices: partial dentures and partial bridges. Both are designed to replace those missing teeth, but they differ in their design, how they function, and the benefits they offer. Now, here's where it gets personal: which one is best for you truly hinges on your individual oral health needs and your day-to-day lifestyle.

While both have their merits, partial dentures come with certain advantages that may align better with different life scenarios and dental conditions. In this article, we'll dive deep into why partial dentures might be the optimal choice.

Partial Dentures vs. Dental Bridges

Partial Dentures

A partial denture is a removable dental material to replace one or more missing teeth in the same arch. In contrast to a full denture, which replaces all the teeth in one jaw, a partial denture only replaces a few teeth. 

Partial dentures consist of artificial teeth or "pontics" attached to a gum-coloured acrylic or metal base. They are held in place using clasps that hook onto existing natural teeth. This type of denture can be taken out for cleaning or for comfort while sleeping.

Nowadays, flexible partial dentures are also available, which offer more comfort and aesthetic appeal. The partial denture fits snugly over your gums and remaining teeth. 

Partial Bridges

A partial bridge is also known as a fixed partial denture. It replaces one or more missing teeth by joining the artificial tooth permanently to adjacent teeth or dental implants. It is a good option if you have one or two missing teeth and healthy teeth on either side.

A partial bridge typically consists of one or more artificial teeth with crowns on either end to anchor it. The crowns are then permanently affixed to the natural teeth adjacent to the gap. In some cases, dental bridges are supported by dental implants rather than natural teeth.

Advantages of Partial Dentures Over Partial Bridges 

While both options have distinct features, there are compelling reasons why some people choose partial dentures over partial bridges. Partial bridges may be preferable for those looking for a fixed solution, but partial dentures are the best alternative for individuals who want flexibility, cost-effectiveness, shorter recovery time, and easier oral health maintenance.\


Partial dentures are removable, which makes cleaning them much easier. This simplifies maintaining good oral hygiene as you can clean both the appliance and your natural teeth effectively. Removing partial dentures at night can also provide comfort and relief to your gums and oral tissues, allowing them to rest and recover.

In contrast, non-removable partial bridges do not allow you to access the entire gum line for meticulous cleaning, which may potentially increase the risk of gum disease. Also, it does not offer the flexibility of choosing when to wear them, which can be a hassle in situations when you prefer not to have them in your mouth.


When it comes to cost-effectiveness, partial dentures have an advantage over partial bridges. They typically have a lower upfront cost, making them accessible to a wider range of individuals, especially those on a tighter budget.

Unlike partial bridges, partial dentures don't require the preparation and crowning of adjacent natural teeth to provide support. This means you won't incur additional costs associated with dental crowns. Many dental insurance plans also cover partial dentures, which can help offset the cost.

Adjustable to Different Dental Conditions

Partial bridges have a fixed structure, which means they may be less adaptable to changes in your dental condition or tooth loss patterns over time. If adjustability is an important feature you want to have, then choosing partial dentures over partial bridges will give you this edge. 

Partial denture allows for easy modifications, relining, and repairs. This adaptability is advantageous for maintaining a comfortable fit and accommodating changes in your dental health. 

If there are changes in your oral anatomy, such as gum recession or shifting of teeth, it's relatively straightforward for a denture prosthetist to make necessary adjustments to the denture. If you experience additional tooth loss in the future, partial dentures can be modified to accommodate new pontics without the need for a complete replacement, which can be more cost-effective. In the event of damage or wear, partial dentures can be repaired faster, minimising downtime without the appliance. 

Shorter Recovery Time

Getting a partial bridge involves more invasive procedures, such as tooth preparation for the supporting teeth or dental implant surgery. These procedures may require a long recovery time. 

Particularly, if the case necessitates a dental implant surgery, you will have to wait until the implant fuses with the bone. This phase can extend the process period of getting a partial bridge. Also, after dental procedures like crowning or implant placement, some may feel temporary pain or discomfort, affecting their daily routines.

In contrast, the process of getting partial dentures is non-invasive. It involves taking impressions and creating a custom denture, which doesn't require surgical procedures or alterations to your natural teeth. Once the partial denture is ready, it can be fitted relatively quickly. The adjustment period for getting used to wearing a removable partial denture is typically shorter than the recovery time needed for surgical procedures.

Versatility for Scattered Missing Teeth

Partial bridges are most suitable for replacing consecutive missing teeth or teeth located in close proximity. But they may not be as versatile when dealing with scattered or widely spaced missing teeth.

Partial dentures are highly versatile and can effectively address a wide range of tooth loss patterns. Whether you have consecutive missing teeth, scattered gaps, or a combination of both, partial dentures can be custom-made to fit your specific situation.

Partial dentures can also serve as a transitional solution while you plan for more permanent dental treatments, such as dental implants. They offer flexibility in addressing immediate tooth replacement needs.

Discuss Getting Partial Dentures with A Professional

Deciding on tooth replacement is a significant step in your oral health journey. It's vital to approach this choice with informed decision-making, considering factors such as your dental condition, budget, and long-term goals.

Consulting with a qualified denture prosthetist is invaluable in this process, as they can provide personalised guidance tailored to your unique circumstances.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when discussing your options with them:

  • Come prepared with questions and concerns.

  • Share your dental history, including any past treatments or surgeries.

  • Discuss your goals and expectations for tooth replacement.

  • Be honest about your budget constraints.

  • Ask about the longevity and maintenance requirements.

  • Seek clarity on the dental procedure, including any potential discomfort or recovery time.

  • Trust your prosthetist’s expertise and recommendations as they help you weigh your unique dental situation and preferences.

Make the Right Choice for Your Dental Health With Partial Dentures

Partial dentures offer many compelling advantages that make them a great option for tooth replacement. Affordability, non-invasiveness, versatility, minimal recovery time, easy adjustability, and natural aesthetics collectively make partial dentures an accessible and practical choice for individuals with varying dental needs and preferences.

Beyond the functional aspects of tooth replacement, partial dentures offer the transformative power of restoring a confident smile. In choosing partial dentures, you're not only selecting a dental appliance; you're embracing the opportunity to regain your oral health, confidence, and quality of life. Partial dentures not only fill the gaps in your smile but also have the power to bring back your ability to smile, speak, and eat comfortably and confidently.

Looking for partial dentures in Brisbane? Denture Haus is the service provider you need. 

Here at Denture Haus, we're more than just a denture clinic. We're a dedicated team, passionate about helping you keep that radiant smile and optimal oral health. Every denture, every adjustment, every smile - we're by your side, guiding and assisting.

We take pride in crafting bespoke partial dentures, ensuring they're not only comfortable but also a natural extension of you. Personalized care isn't just a phrase for us; it's a commitment. We're here to make your journey to a rejuvenated smile smooth and empowering.

Ready to step into a world of confident smiles? Reach out and schedule a free consultation with us. Your smile is our masterpiece.

Mitch Hills