7 Tips For Preventing Denture Sore Spots.

Blog Post - 7 Tips For Preventing Denture Sore Spots

Dentures are an incredible tool that improves your smile and makes everyday tasks like chewing and talking much easier. However, without the proper care, they can potentially irritate your gums and cause painful sore spots.

Read on to learn more about what causes these sore spots, as well as seven tips to reduce and prevent any pain from your dentures.

What are sore spots?

Sore spots are a sign that your dentures don’t fit properly. When dentures are loose and move around in the mouth, they create friction and sores.

Some people also develop sore spots from bacteria or food particles that get stuck in between the dentures and the gums. If you aren’t cleaning your dentures properly, it won’t take long before you notice sore spots start to develop.

Why do dentures cause sore spots?

Sore spots are a sign that your dentures don’t fit properly. When dentures are loose and move around in the mouth, they create friction and sores.

Some people also develop sore spots from bacteria or food particles that get stuck in-between the dentures and the gums. If you aren’t cleaning your dentures properly, it won’t take long before you notice sore spots start to develop.

Seven ways to reduce denture pain

If you’re currently dealing with ill-fitting dentures, it’s essential to address the issue ASAP. Not only are these sore spots uncomfortable and sometimes downright painful, but they can also lead to more severe issues and irritation if you try to ignore them.

Whether you’re currently dealing with sore spots or denture pain or want to take a proactive approach and prevent them, the following is essential information for any denture owner to be aware of.

1. Keep Your Dentures Clean

Not only are clean dentures less likely to cause sore spots, but they’re also less likely to irritate existing sore spots.

Here is what you should be doing at a minimum:

  • Cleaning your dentures nightly with denture cleanser

  • Cleaning the roof of your mouth and your gums to combat bacteria, yeast, or thrush

  • Soaking your dentures in water nightly to loosen particles

These simple steps will make a big difference when it comes to preventing sore spots and improving your oral hygiene.

2. Wear Dentures Regularly

Though it might seem counterintuitive, sometimes the solution to preventing sore spots is to wear your dentures more — especially if you aren’t in the habit of consistently wearing them.

If you don’t wear your dentures regularly, you’ll be more prone to gum and mouth irritation when you do wear them. The same goes for wearing dentures improperly — for example, forgetting to take them out at night).

Consistency and correct wear are critical if you want to feel comfortable and avoid sores from your dentures.

3. Consider Allergies

If you frequently deal with sore spots from your dentures, the issue could be allergies. This is especially likely if you’re also experiencing symptoms like a burning sensation or swelling.

You might be allergic to your preferred denture cleanser, adhesive, or even the denture material itself.

If you suspect you are allergic to any of these things, get in touch with your denture prosthetist immediately. You might also want to consult an allergist who can perform tests and let you know exactly which ingredients are causing your problems.

4.  Eat Denture-Friendly Foods

If you’re dealing with sore spots from your dentures, you can avoid aggravating the sores by eating denture-friendly foods. Soft options like pudding, oatmeal, and soup don’t require much chewing and minimise rubbing from your dentures. 

Staying hydrated can also help to prevent sore spots and soothe existing ones. Hydration increases saliva, reduces friction, and prevents irritation. Drink plenty of water and enjoy hydrating snacks like grapes or berries. 

Now that you know what to eat, let’s address some foods to avoid. Steer clear of hard food like nuts, seeds, corn on the cob, or popcorn. These foods can destabilise your teeth and cause sore spots due to the extra 

5. Take Good Care of Your Gums

Good gum health helps to reduce your chances of developing sore spots. It also makes existing sore spots less painful.

Regularly brush your gums to prevent plaque and tartar buildup — which can also cause gum infections. You can also apply hot compresses when dealing with gum pain or inflammation.

Be sure to remove your dentures at night, too. Sleeping with your dentures in place puts extra strain on your gums and prevents saliva from effectively cleaning your mouth.

6. Consider Herbal Remedies

While you’re waiting to meet with a denture prosthetist about your sore spots, certain herbal remedies can provide temporary relief. The following are some effective options to try:

  • Aloe vera gel to reduce pain and inflammation

  • Black tea to soothe gum swelling and fight harmful bacteria

  • Cloves to relieve pain and swelling

  • Salt water to inhibit bacteria, reduce sores, decrease swelling, and minimise pain

Herbal remedies aren’t a substitute for a trip to an expert, of course. However, they can still be reasonable short-term measures.

7. When in Doubt, See an Expert

When dealing with denture pain, even if you can’t see any sore spots, it’s better to err on the side of caution and schedule an appointment with a denture prosthetist.

When you meet with a denture prosthetist, they will evaluate your dentures and your overall oral health. They may also adjust your dentures or start working on a new set that fits better (remember, dentures are only meant to last about ten years).   

When to See Your Denture prosthetist?

If you see sores on your gums or have cracks at the corners of your mouth, you’re likely dealing with sore spots. The sooner you reach out to a denture prosthetist, the sooner you’ll be able to correct the problem and get back to living pain-free. 

If you’re looking for a denture prosthetist in Brisbane, contact Denture Haus today. We offer fast turnaround times and affordable repairs to help you look and feel your best as soon as possible.

Mitch Hills